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About Maureen

I am a Reiki master therapist registered in United Kingdom, currently offering Reiki treatments in various hospitals and hospices in London, as well as my private practice.

How it all started

Maureen Chang - Reiki Therapist in Canary Wharf London

I stepped into reiki in 2012 when I was searching for various ways to improve my health and deepen the connection with myself. At first it was only about accompanying a friend who was going to the reiki I course on her own. I would have never expected that since then reiki has become part of my life, from reciting the reiki principles to help me through the stressful time at work, to supporting friends on health conditions, to actually bringing lots of transformations in my life.

When I moved to live in London from Hong Kong in 2015, I was reflecting deeply about what I wished to do at this stage of my life after a long career in global corporation, and really felt that calling to help others. That’s how I ended my career in the corporate world and extended my reiki practice to become a full time reiki therapist since 2016. I have been offering reiki treatments in three NHS hospitals in London, St Joseph’s Hospice and Royal Trinity hospice for patients with a full range o paitents from all ages and background, including patients in paediatrics, haematology, oncology, different chronic conditions, and also in end of life support. And as more and more patients wanting to continue their treatment in private setting and also receiving requests from their referrals, I started giving out Reiki sessions in the treatment room in my home at Canary Wharf. 


I never would have imagined I would find the sense of purpose through Reiki by giving people a lift during the difficult time of their lives and I have learnt so much from every single person I have encountered.


Before Reiki

Before starting my reiki chapter, my life was spent in various roles in the education, medical and corporate world. Graduated from university as a speech therapist, I was trained to work with children with various learning disabilities, and adults with speech or swallowing difficulties mostly due to stroke and other health conditions. I did love speech therapy a lot and enjoyed, and with this early stage of career, I was so eager to see and understand the world so somehow decided to make my way to the corporate world. I have worked in multinational corporations for 15 years as an executive and strategic assistant to senior executives, prior to that in PR & marketing roles.


All these roles may sounds very irrelevant to each other, but that’s actually how every steps in life have led me to where and who I am now, and really help me work with people from different backgrounds. Without my speech therapist training I would have struggled to understand patients with chronic health conditions and how to adopt reiki in a clinical setting. Without my experience in working with executives in big corporations, I wouldn’t understand what kind of life and stress challenges some of my clients are facing.

My clients and practice

I believe my clients come with their own difficulties and problems hoping to see how they may be benefiting from Reiki. It might be relaxation from stress, gaining more clarity and have a clear mind in work, ease from symptoms of their illnesses, finding a sense of inner peace during a difficult phase of life, getting help from insomnia, calming their emotions, supporting the process of cancer treatments, or even just to experience what Reiki is like.


Due to the nature of my role and the environment in which I currently practice, the majority of my clients in clinical settings are suffering from cancer, and I also worked with many with COPD, neuromotor disease, mental illnesses, and various ill-terminating disease. Whilst most of my clients in clinical settings come with illnesses, in my private practice many clients may not suffer from any visible health condition, but need Reiki to help them with relaxation, wellbeing, supporting personal growth, or other life circumstances.


Seeing my clients wear a smile after the session and have the strength to carry on with life, connecting to themselves to a deeper level and gaining more confidence in being who they truly are, and sometimes even seeing a shift in their life, are some of the reasons that keep me carrying on to offer Reiki to others and believing Reiki can help.


To me, it doesn’t matter whether you have any specific issue that may need help on, or just like to experience what Reiki is like to help you relax. I trust that everyone has his or her own difficulties and there is no bigger or smaller issues. If you have an intention to try out Reiki for whatever reason, I would be grateful to offer my help and see if reiki can be of some help to your life. 

Qualification and Lineage

My reiki learnings come from both the Japanese and Western lineage and I have attained the Reiki master and teacher level. I have been learning Reiki I to Master level with both my teachers Joyce Thom who is based in the United States, and also Torsten Lange who is based in London.


I am a registered practitioner with Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) in the United Kingdom, and a member of UK Reiki Federation (UKRF) and Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT).

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